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QA - Selenium

GlobalTek Systems

Course :QA - Selenium

Part- 1

  • What is Java
  • Features of Java
  • Java JDK/JRE/JVM
  • Java sample program
  • Data types in java
  • Operators in Java
  • Conditional statements in Java
  • Looping in Java
  • Objects Oriented Programming- (OOP) concepts
  • Object and Class
  • Method overloading
  • Constructor
  • Static and This keywords in Java
  • Inheritance
  • Method overloading
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Exception handling
  • Java I/O ( Input/Output)
  • Selenium IDE
  • Creating Test cases and Test suites using recording methods
  • Selenium IDE Commands
  • Assert vs Verify
  • Save files in HTL and Java Format
  • Firebug and FirePath
  • Creating Tests in IDE using element locators - ID/Name/Xpath/CSS
  • Selenium Webdriver Architecture
  • Creating Functional tests using Webdriver API
  • Data Driven test
  • Creating Maven Porject using Eclipse
  • Adding dependencies using POM.XML
  • TestNG framework
  • Annotations - @Before / @Test/ @After/ Before Suite/ @After Suite
  • Cucumber overview
  • Features- feature file
  • Cucumber Annotations
  • Cucumber - tags and Hooks
  • Reporting using Cucumber

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