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Part- 1

Introduction To MS.Net
  • What is .Net?
  • Importance of C#.Net
  • Differences between VB.Net, C#.Net
  • Features of C#.Net
  • New Features of C#.NET 2005


Part- 2

.Net Framework
  • Platform Independency
  • Functionality of CLR(Common Language Runtime)
  • JIT Compiler
  • CIL Code (Common Intermediate Language)
  • CTS (Common Type Specification)
  • CLS (Common Language Spec.)


Part- 3

Overview of C#.Net
  • Programming using Console Applications
  • Data Types
  • Conditional Statements, Loops Functions, Arrays
  • Type Casting
  • Boxing and UnBoxing


Part- 4

Object Oriented Programming
  • Features of OOP
  • Classes and Objects Constructors and Destructors Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • this object
  • Overloading and Overriding
  • Access Specifiers
  • Indexers and Properties
  • Static Members
  • Abstract Classes
  • Abstract Methods
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Interfaces
  • Partial Classes
  • Generic Classes


Part- 5

Operator Overloading
  • Unary Operators
  • Binary Operators


Part- 6

Memory Management
  • Garbage Collector
  • Stack and Heap
  • Architecture of GC


Part- 7

Working with Visual Studio.Net
  • Visual Studio Solutions and Projects
  • Types of Projects
  • Windows Forms
  • Working with Basic Controls
  • Event Driven Programming
  • Namespaces


Part- 8

Database Programming with ADO.Net
  • ADO.Net Architecture
  • Differences between ADO Vs ADO.NET
  • Connection Object
  • Command Object, Command Builder
  • Data Adapter, Dataset, DataGridView
  • Data Relations
  • Working with XML
  • Working with Stored Procedures

Part- 9

File Handling
  • Working with files using FileStream, Stream Writer, Stream Reader
  • File Object


Part- 10

Crystal Reports
  • Creating a Simple Report
  • Grouping Reports
  • Working with Formula Fields
  • Generating Report from Windows
  • Forms


Part- 11

Exception Handling
  • Types of Errors
  • Unhandled Exceptions
  • Importance of Exception Handling
  • System Defined Exceptions
  • Try, Catch, Finally Blocks
  • Throw Block
  • Custom Defined Exceptions


Part- 12

Multi Threading
  • Creating Single Thread
  • Handling Multiple Threads
  • Thread Methods - Sleep, Suspend,Resume, Abort
  • Syncronization of Threads
  • Thread Priorities
  • Thread LifeCycle


Part- 13

  • What is an Assembly?
  • Private Assemblies
  • Shared Assemblies
  • Global Assembly Cache(GAC)


Part- 14

.Net Remoting
  • Types of Architectures
  • Introduction to DCOM
  • Introduction to Remoting
  • Types of Channels - TCP and HTTP Channels
  • Types of Formattters - Binary and Soap Formatters
  • Types of Activations - Single Call and Single Ton


Part- 15

Delegates and Event Handling


Part- 16

COM Interoperability


Part- 17

Windows Services
  • Introduction to Windows Service
  • Importance of Windows Services
  • Creating Windows Service
  • Service Base class
  • Service Installer and Service Process Installer
  • Installing Windows Service using InstallUtil utility

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