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GlobalTek Systems


Part- 1

Introducing QuickTest
  • Benefits of Automated Testing
  • Testing Process
  • QuickTest Window


Part- 2

Analyzing Your Application
  • Getting to Know Your Application
  • Exploring the Mercury Tours Web Site
  • Creating an Action


Part- 3

Creating Object Repositories
  • Introducing Test Objects and Object Repositories
  • Learning Objects in Your Application
  • Using Multiple Object Repositories


Part- 4

Creating Functions and Function Libraries
  • Introducing Functions and Function Libraries
  • Creating a Function
  • Associating the Function Library with Your Test


Part- 5

Creating a Test
  • Preparing to Create a Test
  • Adding Steps to the Login Action
  • Analyzing the Login Action in the Keyword View
  • Adding the Remaining Steps to Your Test
  • Dividing an Action into Two Actions

Part- 6

Running and Analyzing Tests
  • Running a Test
  • Analyzing Run Results


Part- 7

Creating Checkpoints and Using Functions
  • Understanding Checkpoint Types
  • Checking Objects
  • Checking Pages
  • Checking Tables
  • Checking Text
  • Managing Checkpoints in the Object Repository
  • Running and Analyzing a Test with Checkpoints
  • Performing a Check Using a Function


Part- 8

Parameterizing Tests
  • Defining a Data Table Parameter
  • Adding Parameter Values to a Data Table
  • Modifying Steps Affected by Parameterization
  • Parameterizing an Action
  • Running and Analyzing a Parameterized Test


Part- 9

Where Do You Go from Here?
  • Testing Your Own Application - Getting Started

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